Birthing Something New

Reaching into the Past to Bring forward Something New

The Moon today is in the second Nakshatra of Aries, Bharani, consisting of three stars that form a downward triangle, the belt of Venus, the mother giving birth. This Nakshatra also symbolizes the boatman ferrying souls from this earthly plane to the spirit realm. One deity that rules Bharani is Yama, the Lord of Death and restraint who teaches us death is a passage, a transition between two states of being and that because of death we have purpose. Yama ascribes how to live meaningfully. Bharani people are dharma  experts. Ma Kali is the second deity here as the mother of destruction and creation. The womb.

The power or shakti is to bear, to bring something into fruition and hold the space for healing. Also the shakti is to make transitions. Baharani people have a connection to the realm of the dead. They connect us to the ancestors.

Bharani is ruled by the planet Venus, the life giver, the irony. The inner working of Bharani is resurrection and to create something new.

The image of the Bharani is the world is on my shoulders. They feel the weight of responsibility. They are guided by self control and restraint. They are drawn to practices that involve discipline. They have access to that which is hidden. Their nature despite this connection to death, is very spontaneous, childlike. They love to take radical changes of direction.

Today the Moon is conjunct Jupiter retrograde which is also in Bharani. It is very powerful for any endeavor when the Moon and Jupiter come together and this is magnified by the retrograde energy of Jupiter, the Guru, the most benefic planet.

Rahu the rebel, the coyote of the zodiac, is also in Aries but in gandanta as it transitions from a fire sign into Pisces, a water sign. Gandanta is a cauldron or a knot that invokes great purification, so whatever is being birthed through the portal of Bharani with Jupiter and the Moon involves purifying something from the past to bring into the future that is beneficial for humanity.

Saturn continues to influence the picture as he is exalted and retrograde in the deep earth healing energy of Shattibisak in Aquarius.

Venus, as the ruler of Bharani is in the 5th house position from the Moon, representing life purpose. In his position in the Nakshatra, Magha, the magnanimous, he asks us to birth beauty and high ideals into our creations and to rise into our full human sovereignty as stewards of ourselves, our families, communities and the planet.

This is the energy that launches the week as we move toward the lunar eclipse on Oct 14.

Stay tuned!

Much love



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