The Road Less Traveled

The Road Less Traveled


The lunar energy of this week is of Vishaka, the star constellation in Libra (the diplomat), who asks us to choose the road less traveled. This is the message of the Buddha, who left his kingdom in search for the Truth and a solution to the suffering he witnessed in the world and found his answer within himself at the still point in the center which neither accepts nor rejects. The infinity spark of creation into which the polar opposites find resolution and a portal emerges through which a new reality spirals into form. The message is to resolve the violence of rigid beliefs within ourselves that initiates an equal and opposite force and perpetuates a world of duality, war, suffering, haves and have nots and endless conflict. Release the unconscious mindset that normalizes this reality as inevitable and “just the way it is”. Bring your awareness into the still point of Light, the source of creation and hold unwavering faith in a new way of peace, harmony, health, freedom, respect and abundance for all. This “in between” season of Fall is the time to release, simplify, cleanse and contemplate the inner world. We are at the fork in the road. Set your own heart right.


Much love



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