Yoga/QiGong Gentle Flow with Yoga Nidra

Join Neva, founder of Inner Domain Sacred Ministries and lifetime student of healing arts through movement, touch, meditation and other modalities of energetic alignment with Light, Love, Truth and Self Actualization, for a session of gentle breath guided yoga fused with Qi Gong and the transformational guided meditation called Yoga Nidra.

 These practices can be done by novices or lifetime students. The aim is to align one’s body, mind, heart and energetic system with the eternal, the sacred and the highest potential within all of us for health, well being and empowerment.This intention is greatly enhanced in the harmonizing frequency of the Eesystem at the Shambala Lifeforce Center.

Saturday, January 20, 2024 2:00-4:00pm

Book via  Got to January events and book the date and time for Neva’s offering.  Find the convenient and beautiful location on the website or direct to :

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