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A Journey Through the Chakras

  • Inner Domain Cabin John, MD USA (map)

A Process of Self Discovery and Empowerment

Join Neva Ingalls, Director of Inner Domain School of Yoga, in the ancient and powerful practices of meditation, mantra, breath work (pranayama) and asana to tune into the energy centers (chakras) of the subtle anatomy understood in the yogic teachings. Blockages manifested through unresolved experiences from the past, lack of understanding (avidya), less than optimum pranayama, physical miss alignments and more can impede our development into all that we can be. Even in the absence of significant blockages, it is possible to enhance the functionality and integration of these key centers and strengthen our ability to live a fulfilled, empowered and inspired life generated from peace and gratitude.

Let's take this deep dive together.

This series will be held in 4 sessions.

Session 1. Earth and Water, the elements of the first two and most physical of the chakras, Muladhara and Svadisthana.

Session 2. Fire. The third chakra that governs energy, transmutation and digestion in life, (Manipura).

Session 3.  Air (Anahata) and Ether(Space, Akash, Vishuddha). The fourth and 5th more subtle chakras that govern individualized soul experience, and expression.

Session 4. The Chakra referred to as the “third eye”, ( Ajna) the master chakra of perception and the potential of clarity and the crown chakra, (Sahasrara), which is the chakra of total manifestation of the divine creative intelligence into our physicality.

Time. Consecutive Saturdays from 3-4:45.

Format. Live zoom and recorded.

Dates: May 7, 14, 21, & 28.

Registration Link:

March 28

Sacred Spiral Dance of Healing

July 23

Pranayama, The Breath of Life