New Earth Ayurveda

Discover your unique blueprint, how you interface with the natural environment, and how to optimize your mental, emotional, and physical health.

New Earth Ayurveda, The Science of Longevity

Ayurveda is the only medical system which regards the core of the human being as a soul. Accessing and aligning with soul wisdom is believed to be the goal of human life and the reason behind the many variations of yoga and other spiritual endeavors. Separation from the soul is behind a myriad of limiting thoughts and habits which can eventually dis-harmonize the functions of the body and create a state of dis-ease. 

Energy is more than a life-giving current as in traditional Chinese medicine, but rather a loving creative intelligence which is found inside each of us. Thus a deeper aspect of Ayurvedic treatment involves understanding one’s unique soul expression though spiritual counseling and supporting soul alignment through practices such as yoga and meditation.

Ayurveda also has a refined system for determining individual constitution and applying all treatments to support the healthy balance of your constitution. Many treatments can be beneficial in theory, but if in opposition with your constitution, will not be effective and can in fact be harming.

I am a certified Ayurvedic and Yogic Lifestyle Counselor with the Association of Ayurvedic Professionals of North America. I trained with the esteemed Vedic scholar Dr. David Frawley (Pundit Vamadeva Shastri), director of the American Vedic Institute, and I began training Ayurvedic counselors myself in 2013 when Dr. Frawley entrusted me to teach his 500-Hour Ayurvedic Healing curriculum.

When you book a session with me, I will ascertain your unique constitution and conduct a detailed analysis of your diet and lifestyle. Ancient techniques of wisdom can help you access your innate healing ability, take responsibility of your life and inner growth and align your life with your true self, the soul at the core of your being.


Connecting to the Power of the Sun


Leaping Forward